Season2, Episode 278 - 5 Principles for High Performing Teams

with Lorne Rubis and Tim Shurr

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In this episode, we have Tim Shurr share with us steps and tools you can use to re-engage people and boost their productivity and greatly improve the culture within your organization. You will learn how to effectively build trust with people and make them feel validated so as a result, they function at their best.

Hit that play button now and listen in! Apply what you learned and you will surely experience the results sky-rocket.



“If you treat your employees like number one, then your employees will treat your customers like they are number one. And if you don’t, they won’t either.

“If you do not like what you’re seeing on the sales floor, you don’t beat up on the people on the sales floor, you take a look at where you need to grow. And that’s what makes someone transformational.





Show Notes:

[00:40] Greetings and episode intro

[01:32] Differences in how people view a certain situation

[02:51] Stories that we hear about different situations in the company

[06:48] How to intentionally build trust with people and re-engage them

[10:27] Everybody has blind spots

[12:06] 3 phases to a breakthrough

[16:13] Taking a look at the leadership and how people are communicating 

[18:23] Taking responsibility to grow and find effective solutions as the leader


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Your brain didn’t come with an owner’s manual. Thankfully, now there is one.

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This book is a roadmap for training your brain to create extraordinary results at work and home!