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In this episode, Tim Shurr is giving a speech to IU Dental School, and this is the first of a two parts series. Tim shared about principles that will help you become successful in business and in life. As you listen in now, you will learn about the power of your words and how it affects what you feel and how you behave. You will also understand the benefits of collaboration and know how to build great relationships personally and professionally.


“When you lift others up, you go up with them. If you push others down, you go down with them.”

“There’s nothing wrong with healthy competition but collaboration will win every day.”

“You’re not experiencing the world as it is you’re experiencing the world as you are.”


Show Notes:

[00:39] Introduction of Tim Shurr

[01:18] Principles to help you be successful in business and in life

[03:08] Be kind, and catch people doing good

[05:51] Be kind to yourself as well

[08:51] Being a collaborator

[11:51] Choosing your words carefully

[14:31] Pay attention to what you say to yourself

[20:02] Working harder on yourself than your business

Make Your Day Mesmerizing

Get Out of Your Way!

How to Eliminate Self Sabotage and Win Your Life


Your brain didn’t come with an owner’s manual. Thankfully, now there is one.

In this book, you’ll learn step-by-step how to MAXIMIZE your influence, impact, and happiness in all areas of life! After facilitating over 10,000 hypnosis and coaching sessions, Tim Shurr has discovered how to rapidly accelerate your SUCCESSES, quickly overcome fear, and put an end to self-sabotage!

This book is a roadmap for training your brain to create extraordinary results at work and home!