Season2, Episode 175 - Forming Your Identity With Jordan Carnduff

with Tim Shurr

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In this episode, Tim is with his mentee, Jordan Carnduff. Jordan is a rising star in the field of peak performance, has his own podcast, and he has great followings on Instagram. Together, they have a great conversation about principles in forming our identity. They shared effective steps on how to cultivate who we are.

For sure, you want to be the person that you really aspire to be, so hop into this conversation now and learn more strategies to become more and more mesmerizing each day.



“If you don’t know who you are, then how do you know where to go? And if you don’t know where to go, then you have very infinite goals that only get you day by day.” – Jordan Carnduff

“You can’t really discover who you really are, without having somebody to have the conversation with.” – Tim Shurr

“If you value other people, figure out why you value them and become that person because who you’re becoming is just a version of you. It’s not actually a different human being. It’s just you.” – Jordan Carnduff



Show Notes:

(00:36) Greetings and Introduction of Jordan Carnduff

(01:19) Consistency and Changes in our belief about who we are

(03:03) Living up to who we believe we are

(07:43) The question of who we really are

(10:54) Why would you want to know what your identity is

(13:52) Do-Have-Be vs. Be-Have-Do

(17:57) Life is a beautiful winding road 

(21:14) Identifying who we do not want to be

(23:30) Appreciating the small accomplishments

(27:02) Taking the small little shifts

(36:12) Identifying what you want and what you don’t want

(38:55) Having a plan of action

(40:40) The goal is to love the day

(48:58) Trying out things and keep doing what works

(50:21) Connecting with others

(54:56) Becoming the better version of yourself    


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Your brain didn’t come with an owner’s manual. Thankfully, now there is one.

In this book, you’ll learn step-by-step how to MAXIMIZE your influence, impact, and happiness in all areas of life! After facilitating over 10,000 hypnosis and coaching sessions, Tim Shurr has discovered how to rapidly accelerate your SUCCESSES, quickly overcome fear, and put an end to self-sabotage!

This book is a roadmap for training your brain to create extraordinary results at work and home!