Season2, Episode 59 - How Do I Lose Weight and Stay On Track! 8 of 14

with Tim Shurr

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Today, we are on part eight of the series “How to take Your Health Back!”

In this episode, Tim is sharing about the one word that makes the dream happen and makes everything fall into place.  

Do you want to know what it is? Tune in now and listen as Tim also teaches about the C4 that will surely create a huge impact in you life.



“There’s always going to be pain attached to achieving your goal, but suffering is optional.”

“You are worthy of accomplishing your goals. You are worthy of making it happen.”

“You cannot change by yourself. You need to have feedback and outside perspectives and better tools to be able to make the magic happen.”

“You have more power within you than you realize.”

“Most of the time, you can’t have hope without pain.”

“You can’t have courage without fear either.”



Trent Shelton

Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway, by Susan Jeffers

Mindset Reset Checklist, by Tim Shurr

What To Do When You Don’t Know What To Do, by Tim Shurr


Show Notes:

(00:47) There’s always pain attached to achieving your  goal

(01:17) The one word

(03:58) You are worthy of achieving your goals

(04:31) Get some right external help to be able to change yourself

(06:50) Start to believe that you can open doors of opportunities

(08:13) C4

(16:01) A lot of times we just don’t know what to do


Make Your Day A Shurr! Success


Get Out of Your Way!

How to Eliminate Self Sabotage and Win Your Life

Your brain didn’t come with an owner’s manual. Thankfully, now there is one.

In this book, you’ll learn step-by-step how to MAXIMIZE your influence, impact, and happiness in all areas of life! After facilitating over 10,000 hypnosis and coaching sessions, Tim Shurr has discovered how to rapidly accelerate your SUCCESSES, quickly overcome fear, and put an end to self-sabotage!

This book is a roadmap for training your brain to create extraordinary results at work and home!