Season2, Episode 78 - How To Be A Better Leader

with Chris Widener

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In today’s episode, we have one of the top mesmerizing leaders who is a very successful motivational speaker, teaching leadership and sales and has written 20 amazing books. Chris Widener travels to different places teaching how we can make an impact. 


People have different views on measuring success and we have different things we consider valuable in life. It is important to know what really matters and what we can do to have it in our lives.


Wait no more and tune in to this episode now! Let’s join Tim Shurr and Chris Widener and gain valuable wisdom that will surely make a great impact on us as we go through the journey in sharing ourselves to others.




“Failure makes you humble.” – Chris Widener


“When you realize that we’re a mixture of great and not so great, you realize you’re just like everybody else.” – Chris Widener


“People are people no matter where they live.”  – Chris Widener


“It’s not about what do I do to you to get you to buy from me or to follow me, it’s what do I do to myself that causes me to be the type of person that you trust, you respect, and you admire because of what you see in me.” – Chris Widener


“Work harder on yourself than you do in persuading other people.” – Chris Widener


“Everything begins and ends with us.”  – Chris Widener


“If it’s true that wherever you are right now is the sum of the choices you’ve made up until now, then it’s also true that wherever you want to go is simply going to become the sum of the choices you make from here on out.”  – Chris Widener


“You can’t determine how long you live but you can determine how well you live.” – Chris Widener


“It’s just as easy to think big as it is to think small.” – Chris Widener



Anton Mesmer

The Art Of Influence, by Chris Widener

12 Pillars, by Chris Widener

The Angel Inside, by Chris Widener

Larry Winget

Jeff Kent and Barry Bonds, San Francisco Giants


Show Notes:


(00:59) Introduction of Chris Widener

(03:28) Being humble

(07:17) Chris’ learnings throughout his career and his travels

(08:24) People are people

(11:14) Because of what others see in yourself

(13:43) Don’t make the same mistake twice

(16:24) Look in the mirror

(20:10) The bad news is really the good news

(21:24) Know that it’s all going to end

(25:27) Always think big

(33:33) A follower’s review

(37:27) Wounds from a friend can be trusted

(40:57) Better The Second Time book – will be out on Christmas time

(41:14) Lasting Impact – will be out in Spring of 2020

(41:42) How do you make an impact

(44:24) The measure of success

(47:33) Chris Widener’s contact information

(49:07) Tips for professional speaking


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