Season2, Episode 248 - How Our Words Impact Others

with Tim Shurr

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In this episode, Tim Shurr shares how important it is for leaders to carefully pay attention to how their words come across to people especially to the team and the clients. Trust is the foundation for team progress and success and the best way to build trust is to intentionally use transformational language in every conversation you have as a leader.

Learn how to use transformational language as you listen to this episode now!



“Trust is the foundation of a successful relationship, a successful company, a successful team.

“Instead of focusing on our problems, instead of focusing on what’s going wrong, instead of focusing on what’s the progress that isn’t being made, we want to build that trust by focusing on what’s possible, what progress is being made, and how we can help people to reach their goals.


Show Notes:

[00:00] Greetings and episode intro

[00:31] Transformational language

[01:11] Trust is the foundation

[02:53] Building a high-performing team with trust and collaboration

[03:39] Taking responsibility for how you come across to others

[07:02] How to use transformational language

[09:30] Focusing on what’s possible

[10:03] Using words that build people up

[12:16] Pay attention to the words that you use


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