Season2, Episode 193 - Never Too Old To Make Dreams Come True

with Marie Albertson

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In this episode, we are joined by an amazing lady, Marie Albertson. Marie is a retired librarian who decided to defy the limiting beliefs most people have on being retired and getting older. In her 60’s, she created a life full of adventures and amazing experiences. She wrote books and the first one is called Old Librarians Never Die, They Jump Out Of Airplanes.

Listen in now and be in this little adventure as Marie tells her stories of fun, excitement, and life, and realize that it’s never too late to make your dreams come true!



“If you think about doing it, do it while you’re upright and breathing because there’s going to come a time, old age is going to catch up with some of us eventually, but do it while you think about it, don’t put it off.” – Marie Albertson

“Don’t save your days, use your days.” – Marie Albertson

“Don’t allow somebody to tell you, you can’t do something. Just do it.” – Marie Albertson



Old Librarians Never Die, They Jump Out Of Airplanes, book by Marie Albertson

Fifty Shades Of Grey Humor, book by Marie Albertson

Getting Good At Getting Older

Age Later


Show Notes:

(00:39) Greetings and introduction of Marie Albertson

(01:28) Marie’s background and her journey through adventures and success

(16:10) Adventures around the world on a retired librarian’s budget

(17:45) Beliefs that did not hold her back   

(20:00) Living by the 3 Cs

(21:22) People just need to laugh

(25:31) How Marie’s travels changed her

(29:02) Meeting friends all over the world

(35:00) “Everyone should do that!”

(40:09) Just do it anyway

(43:51) Don’t retire, get re-wired

(44:23) Fighting through cancer 


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