Season2, Episode 111 - Resistance To Change With Liz Kislik
with Tim ShurrDescription:
In today’s episode, we’re with a brilliant guest, Liz Kislik, who is a very well-known and powerful leadership coach, consultant and speaker. She did a TEDx Talk and has worked with some amazing companies in her 30 years of experience.
Tim and Liz shared a very mesmerizing conversation about handling conflicts, about some resistance people face when going through changes, and many more valuable principles. As we join them in this discussion, we would even see firsthand how differences can be handled gracefully that made the conversation even better.
What are you waiting for? Learn more and experience the importance of knowing how to handle changes and conflicts we face as we fulfill our goals and aspirations in life.
“The real thing is a kind of emotional self-awareness and the ability to self-regulate so that if you feel that you are triggered, you know how to calm yourself so you can actually pay attention to what the other person is saying.” – Liz Kislik
“People are not resistant if they think they’re going to be happier and more successful doing the thing you just suggested.” – Liz Kislik
“As soon as you’re forcing someone to pay attention, you already lost them.” – Liz Kislik
“You got to stir yourself up a little sometimes.” – Liz Kisli
“We don’t have all the skills we need to make us be successful.” – Liz Kisli
“I have a kind of fantasy that if everybody was really more willing to work together, there would actually be more work to do.” – Liz Kisli
“I don’t think that there is as much generational conflict as we make out to be.” – Liz Kisli
Show Notes:
(00:39) Greetings and introduction of Liz Kislik
(01:35) Humans and Conflict
(04:16) Finding out what’s in the way and come up with the solution together
(06:54) The importance of “What can we do”
(08:29) Some myths about conflict
(10:33) Having someone else who can see both sides of the conflict
(11:31) Having emotional self-awareness and the ability to self-regulate
(12:40) Some ways that can help you get past the resistance
(14:43) Too much peaceful tranquility can sometimes keep you stuck
(18:14) Having people outside yourself
(21:29) Different kinds of achievements and accomplishments
(22:36) Liz’s experiences – testing out and finding what really fits
(26:04) Generational conflict
(29:28) Being actually curious and open
(34:37) What’s next for Liz
(27:45) Doing little changes
(38:47) Finding ways to grow and reducing conflict
(41:19) Not to worry so much, just go and try new ways and meet new people
(42:24) How to find your tribe
(47:36) No reason to give up
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