Season2, Episode 96 - Shut Up & Get To Work With Larry Winget

with Tim Shurr

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In today’s episode, Larry Winget, the pitbull of personal development, is joining us. Larry has written great books and traveled around the world teaching people about taking responsibility and having accountability in developing ourselves. 


Larry and Tim talk about things that may come across as controversial and shake up expectations but will definitely bring clarity and are truly powerful principles with regards to achieving success. 


Let’s listen to this episode now and get a different yet very good perspective on personal development and commitment to reaching your goals.




“I do believe that we all teach what we need most to learn.” – Larry Winget


“You don’t think your way to success, you work your way to success.” – Larry Winget


“I’m always attacking behaviour, never people. And so, I am quick to draw on things around actions versus personnel.” – Larry Winget


“If we don’t allow people to feel the consequences to their stupidity, then their stupidity will continue because consequences guide behavior.” – Larry Winget


Shut Up, Stop Whining, And Get A Life, by Larry Winget

Grow A Pair, by Larry Winget

Real Man Podcast


Show Notes:


(00:37) Greetings and Introduction of Larry Winget

(01:53) How Larry started

(05:23) The collapse of core values in society

(08:41) Taking responsibility for the change to happen

(10:01) Pain can launch you into a better future

(14:41) Being more honest from the start

(17:25) “You” changed you life

(22:23) Staying true to what you believe

(24:33) Be more authentic earlier

(26:29) Never attack people

(27:49) There are no excuses

(30:28) Own it and get your stuff together


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Your brain didn’t come with an owner’s manual. Thankfully, now there is one.

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This book is a roadmap for training your brain to create extraordinary results at work and home!