Season2, Episode 183 - The Keys To Extraordinary Success

with Mark Sanborn

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In this episode, a spectacular guest, Mark Sanborn, joins us and is going to talk about the keys to extraordinary success. Mark is rated consistently as one of the top five leadership speakers in the world. He has written a series of books that have sold millions of copies including The Fred Factor, and he was the president of the National Speakers Association. He also was the youngest person ever inducted into the speaker’s Hall of Fame.

Tune in now and you are going to learn about the foundation that all good leaders build on and what makes a good leader become mesmerizingly extraordinary. He also shared invaluable leadership principles that are very relevant to the situation we are currently in as we learn effective ways to adapt and thrive.



“Inspiration is motivation to the power of purpose. – Mark Sanborn

“Discipline is the ability to do what needs to be done even when you don’t feel like doing it.” – Mark Sanborn

“Integrity is the distance between your lips and your life.” – Mark Sanborn

“Good leaders connect with the people they lead, not just at a professional level, but at a personal level.” – Mark Sanborn

“One of the most important skills to leverage a leader’s effectiveness is communication, both in person and in a group.” – Mark Sanborn

“Managers tell but leaders sell. Leaders focus on persuasion, not just communication.” – Mark Sanborn



The Intention Imperative, book by Mark Sanborn

The Fred Factor, book by Mark Sanborn


Show Notes:

(00:37) Greetings and introduction of Mark Sanborn

(01:34) Being better at the things that you do well

(02:57) Being disciplined

(04:46) The foundation that all leaders build on

(06:21) What takes a good leader from ordinary to extraordinary

(09:37) Why Mark wrote the book, The Intention Imperative

(12:29) Motivation and inspiration

(13:09) The emotion economy

(14:54) The story of the two twin boys

(17:13) What keeps Mark focused and grounded

(23:22) Quick fire questions for Mark  

(29:07) Lighten up!   


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