Season2, Episode 203 - Unconventional Leadership

with Krister Ungerbock & Tim Shurr

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In this episode, we have an extraordinary guest who is a global communication expert, keynote speaker, and CEO coach. Krister Ungerbock delivers groundbreaking insight for leading high-performance teams, driving leadership-development efforts, and maximizing business growth.

Tim and Krister talk about a different way of leadership that will truly transform not only your business but your life as well. Emotions and feelings are mostly avoided in the corporate world but today, Krister will shed a light on this matter and help us realize how it can transform the people and the business and lead them straight to the path of success.

You definitely need to listen to this episode! So, tune in now, take down notes, and make sure to apply these incredible principles.



“To COVID, despite all the devastation that you’ve brought, hopefully, the silver lining will be the spark the compassion revolution in business. – Krister Ungerbock

“When you cry, don’t hide your tears. Just look directly at the person and let the tears stream down your face because what you’ll find is that that other person will probably be the person to look away. Because it’s not you who needs to be afraid of your tears. It’s them who hears your tears.” – Krister Ungerbock



22 Talk Shifts, by Krister Ungerbock


Show Notes:

[00:44] Greetings and introduction of Krister Ungerbock

[01:19] Krister’s background

[03:43] How Krister discovered Compassionate Leadership

[07:02] The similarity of the statements of unhappy wives and unhappy employees

[11:57] The compassion revolution in business

[16:41] Speak like an emotional Einstein

[22:00] Why people don’t talk about their feelings in a corporate environment

[27:23] The little “t” trauma

[33:44] What we can do as leaders

[38:14] Crying like big girls and big men  

[42:41] Words hurt more

[44:38] Creating deeper employee connection


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