Season2, Episode 242 - Why Transformational Language Upgrades Happiness Without It Feeling Phony!

with Tim Shurr

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In this episode, we another incredible masterclass on how to create your life to be at its best. Tim enlightens us about the power of the words we use and how they eventually shape our lives. Now, you will also learn what to do when you use transformational language and experience your quality of life elevate.

So, listen in now and start learning some words that will help you use the power of your mind to create your life by design!



“Whatever you focus on, you move towards. ”

“Your behavior is being dictated by how you feel, and how you feel is being influenced all the time by what you’re saying to yourself.”

“You’ll take a step towards what you want, and what you want will take a step towards you.”

“Prosperity isn’t something that you have, it’s something that you tune into.”



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One Belief Away, by Tim Shurr

Get Out Of Your Way, by Tim Shurr


Show Notes:

[00:32] Growing flowers vs. watering weeds

[01:23] What is transformational language

[03:30] How to use transformational language

[05:36] The power of words

[06:38] Learning about your blind spots

[07:12] Paying attention to the words you’re using

[08:10] What you focus on expands

[10:48] Some words that will help you use the power of your mind to create your life by design

[16:43] A story on the power of the words used

[18:33] Starting with self-awareness

[19:05] 3 things you want to do when using transformational language – Be outcome focused

[21:16] Speak in the present tense

[23:23] Using your power words

[25:08] What happens as you continue using transformational language

[26:00] What to do when procrastination starts to set in


Make Your Day Mesmerizing!

Get Out of Your Way!

How to Eliminate Self Sabotage and Win Your Life

Your brain didn’t come with an owner’s manual. Thankfully, now there is one.

In this book, you’ll learn step-by-step how to MAXIMIZE your influence, impact, and happiness in all areas of life! After facilitating over 10,000 hypnosis and coaching sessions, Tim Shurr has discovered how to rapidly accelerate your SUCCESSES, quickly overcome fear, and put an end to self-sabotage!

This book is a roadmap for training your brain to create extraordinary results at work and home!